Tuesday, April 28, 2009

FEMA grant to Debary is NOT linked to John Mica

As much as John Mica likes to get credit for monies coming into the district, more than 95% of federal monies come through the regular grant process,......not earmarks.

Yet, it seems to be part of the ritual to have John Mica announce a FEMA grant for a drainage project, and local officials clamoring to give him credit. Why?

Here is how projects are selected for FEMA grants:

"because of the repetitive nature of the flooding in the project area."

The comprehensive reviews for technical feasibility, cost effectiveness, environmental coordination and compliance, and program eligibility are complex. So FEMA and FDEM adopted the joint review process.

The HMGP ( Hazard Mitigation Graqnt Program) is administered by the state, with projects funded 75 percent by FEMA and 25 percent by the applicant. Applicants include the State of Florida, local governments and private non-profits. Most applications are for wind retrofit, elevation, acquisition and demolition, and drainage projects.

And for a complete description of the grant application process:

In Florida, local mitigation strategy committees establish funding priorities for the HMGP and select projects based on those priorities.

HMGP projects go through a six-step process:

Step 1 - State sets priorities and application deadlines
Step 2 - State, in partnership with FEMA, conducts applicant briefings
Step 3 - Applicants submit project applications to the State, who selects projects for funding
Step 4 - State and FEMA conduct joint review, which includes:
Review for program eligibility - essentially meant to answer the question: "Does this project solve a problem HMGP is meant to address?"
Technical feasibility and cost effectiveness review, conducted by engineering review team
Environmental coordination and compliance review, which encompasses a number of issues, such as:
Historic preservation concerns
Environmental concerns including wetlands and endangered species
Flood plain implications
Step 5 - If reviews are satisfactory, FEMA obligates dollars to the State for approved projects
Step 6 - State informs applicant of approval (allowing applicants to draw down funding) and project implementation begins
Action Items at All Levels: Local, State, FEMA

The key to disaster response and recovery - including long-term improvements, such as mitigation - is a strong partnership between local, state, and federal partners. On HMGP, there are action items at all levels, including:

Applicants (local level):

Submit individual project applications to the State
Coordinate with participating homeowners and businesses who will benefit from the proposed project
Draw down obligated dollars from the State and manage implementation of the approved project
Comply with all applicable requirements, including environmental regulations
Account for the appropriate use of grants to the State
Maintain records


Develop the State Hazard Mitigation Plan
Establish funding priorities, and select projects for funding based on those priorities
Establish deadlines for applications
Conduct applicant briefings and provide technical assistance to applicants
Ensure that the scope of work complies with all applicable requirements under HMGP regulations, as well as Federal, State, and local laws
Notify Applicant when projects are approved and dollars are available
Send dollars to Applicant when drawn down
Monitor the progress of projects
Work with Applicant to close out projects


Establish minimum criteria for eligibility, and review and approve eligible projects
Prepare the environmental decision based on information submitted by the applicant
Provide technical assistance to the State and Applicants
Obligate dollars for eligible projects to State

Where does John Mica come into play? Nowhere at all according to the application process!

Why then do local officials insist of complimenting John Mica on FEMA's grant approval?

“I’m excited,” (DeBary Mayor Bob) Garcia said. “I’ve got to thank Mr. Mica from the bottom of my heart.”

Get REAL Mr. Garcia!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Water Resources Development Act Blocked for 7 Years

John Mica has the habit of patting himself on the back for getting a Water Resources Development Act passed for the first time in 7 years ( he has said the same for an Amtrak reauthorization bill). What he craftily omits to tell people is that it was the new Democratic Majorities elected to congress in 2006, that were instrumental in making passage possible:

Traditionally, Congress has passed a water bill each even-numbered year. The 2000 bill included the Everglades Restoration Act, a product of almost 20 years of state and federal action and negotiation. That legislation cemented a marriage between Florida and Washington over revitalization of the Everglades, with each partner assuming an equal share of decision-making and cost. The fruits of the union were to be 60 projects - to remove levees and increase water storage - that would restore natural water flow through the Everglades. Of the 535 senators and representatives, only one opposed the nuptials.

The 2000 bill authorized the first few Everglades projects, with the expectation that Congress would authorize additional projects in subsequent legislation. But partisan and regional politics intervened. The 2002 bill stalled over Missouri River dams. In 2006, there was a fight over the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. As a result, the nation went seven years without a new Water Resources Development Act.

With each battle, the Everglades was caught in the crossfire. Congress failed to authorize projects critical to restoration, which prevented those initiatives from even being considered for federal financing. Meanwhile, Florida exceeded the state's obligation - paying over $2 billion while it waited. Since one partner doing all the work is no way to sustain a marriage, the state-federal union to restore the Everglades was headed for the rocks.

But in 2007, a new Congress passed a water bill containing delayed Everglades projects. When President Bush vetoed the bill, Congress overwhelmingly overrode his veto. Everglades restoration was back on track.

Let's be honest,.....John Mica never was much into the environment, or into sustaining Amtrak. In fact he is a known polluter defender, and Amtrak hater.

In his usual theatrical manner he made this off the wall statement about Amtrak:
“Giving Amtrak more money would be like giving at this point an alcoholic another drink and asking him to sober up.”

John Mica likes the idea of having Amtrak come begging for funding year after year, without providing a dedicated funding source like aviation, highways and transit have. Investing in our Nation’s passenger rail service simply hasn't been a priority for Mica. In 2006, Mica voted NO to increased funding for Amtrak, even though 71 other Republicans voted Yes.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Mica's Hypocricy on West St. Augustine Sewer Health

In another prime example of two-faced John Mica's double talk, he acts like he cares about local sewer problems, while cutting off federal funding for clean water projects.

John Mica voted NO to Water Quality Investment Act of 2009

James L. Oberstar (Minn.), said, "The bills we approved today take us another step toward creating jobs and strengthening the economy through federal investment in public infrastructure."
The Water Quality Investment Act provides authorizes $13.8 billion in federal grants over five years to capitalize the Clean Water State Revolving Fund and provide low-interest loans to communities for wastewater infrastructure.
It also reauthorizes $250 million in grants over five years for alternative water source projects and authorizes $1.8 billion over five years in grants to municipalities and states to control sewer overflows. It amends the Clean Water Act to provide a national standard for public notification of overflows, and increases the authorization of appropriations to $150 million for each of the fiscal years 2010 through 2014.

John Mica joins company with other haters of jobs and local clean water: Ander Crenshaw, Connie Mack, Jeff Miller, Bill Posey and Cliff Stearns.

While Mica is praised for delivering earmarks to his district, he cuts of funding through the regular appropriations process: NO LOW INTEREST loans or grants to municipalities and states to control sewer overflow!!!

Mica instead wants to have complete controle over who gets money and who doesn't. According to Mica, everything should go through earmarks,.....nothing through the regular low interest loan and grant programs,....after all without earmarks local municipalities don't need him.

I guess John Mica is employing the ultimate "job security" tactic for himself, at tax payers expense.