Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Partisan Outburst Against Florida High Speed Rail

Sour notes: In October, Republican Congressman John Mica sat smiling next to U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood at a transportation summit in Orlando that played out more like a revival meeting. Mr. LaHood had just called on the rail devotees there to get the Legislature to pass SunRail – something he suggested the state needed to do before Washington would consider funding a high-speed rail line for Florida.
The message was music to the ears of Mr. Mica, SunRail's most ardent supporter.SunRail passed. And on Wednesday, the Obama administration Washington will finance Florida high-speed rail.
Why then the sour notes from Mr. Mica on Thursday?

After complaining the train won't go fast enough, he said "The last thing the American people need is another bailout program with low-speed trains to nowhere."It's become reflexive for Republican lawmakers to bash Obama administration initiatiatives. But the prospect of high-speed rail helped bring about SunRail. And, Mr. Mica has long supported high-speed rail.

His rank, partisan outburst tarnished a record which till then showed Mr. Mica working responsibly with Republicans and Democrats to bring this region passenger rail serivce.

Suuuure, Mr. Mica has long supported hoih Speed rail in New York, but NEVER in Florida,.........I guess the Orlando Sentinel only just noticed!!