Sunday, January 18, 2009

Banking Committee, Major Influence on Rebuilding Rail Routes

Dodd, whose Banking Committee has major influence over federal transportation policy, described 2009 as a pivotal year for rebuilding half-abandoned rail routes and extending new ones.
That will create good-paying construction jobs in the short term, and will
transform the region in the long run, he said. Dodd cited the long-overdue
Springfield-to-Hartford-to-New Haven commuter rail project as an example of what New England needs to be economically competitive in the 21st century. Sponsored by the Sierra Club and the National Corridors Initiative, the "Need for Speed" forum focused on ways to create better high-speed rail through the region, and substantially expand commuter rail, light rail and freight service. Rail advocates have run similar sessions for years, but are getting more attention because of the nation's economic crisis and the dizzying summertime spike in fuel prices.

Too bad we haven't seen much from Florida Senator Mel Martinez who also sits on the all important Housing, Transportation, and Community Development Senate Subcommittee. Well, like John Mica's role in the House Transportation Committee, Sen. Mel Martinez is in the minority party which will the protect business interests at the expense of passenger rail.
Republicans have gone as far as wanting to cut off funding for Amtrak all together, claiming it needed to be self-sufficient.
But when it comes to the banking industry they are all too ready to bail them out. Go figure.