Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Traditional Media's Usual Mica "grab the mic" Fluff Story

Here we have the usual Mica "grab the mic" fluff story where Mica showers special attention on ONE Crescent city young man.

The usual "feel good" fluff that distracts from his ultra poor record on supporting the more than 100,000 veterans in his district. For three years he held the absolute worst record on disabled American veterans issues, scoring a ZERO percent.

Only recently did John Mica start noticing the men and women who have sacrificed so much in service to our country. These men and women who will forever live with the horrible reminders of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, but who according to John Mica do not deserve our support at 100%. Finally, John Mica after 16 years of "public service" decided to support these courageous men and women by just 60%.

But do you think Traditional Media will call John Mica on this? No, they'd rather continue to distract us from our real every day problems and the lack of solutions John Mica has offered.

All show and no action is just fine with Traditional Media. That's what they call a "need to know" basis, a society where traditional media will filter out the reality of poor performing officials and offer just the "feel-good" fluff.