Wednesday, March 25, 2009

John Mica Trashes Our Nation's National Heritage

Here we go again. John Mica, AGAIN, wants to trash our nation's natural heritage. He votes NO to HR 146:

Today, the House passed the Omnibus Public Land Management Act of 2009 by a vote of 285-140. But of course, as the true loyalist to the Party of NO, John Mica voted NO.

It took long enough. But the House has finally done it. Congress has cleared the way to protect two million acres of wilderness in nine states: California, Colorado, Idaho, New Mexico, Michigan, Oregon, Utah, Virginia, and West Virginia.
In addition to the new wilderness designations, it protects over 270,000 acres along more than 1,000 miles of rivers in Oregon, California, Idaho, Arizona, Wyoming, and Massachusetts, and adds 2,800 miles of new hiking trails in public lands.

How can we trust John Mica with our Florida Natural Resources?
Can we trust John Mica with our St Johns River or our beautiful coastal areas? NEVER!

Environmental groups and lawmakers in both parties long have pushed for the bill, which several called landmark legislation that will strengthen the national park system, restore national forests, preserve wild and scenic rivers, protect battlefields and restore balance to the management of public lands.

"After nearly a decade during which our parks were taken for granted and our range lands were scarred by a spider-web of roads and (drilling) well pads," the bill "represents a new dawn for America's heritage and American values," said Rep. Nick Rahall, D-W.Va., chairman of the House Natural Resources Committee.

How DARE John Mica represent NE, and Central Florida?!? Really outragous,.....I wonder if the Sierra Club will take notice? How about the Major newspapers in Florida? Will they be reporting on this?

No,......keeping voters in the dark is the name of the game.