Wednesday, March 11, 2009

John Mica voted Against Closing the Enron Loophole

Remember Oil prices at an all time high in 2008? We were paying over $4 at the pump due to unregulated Oil speculation that got started with Phil Gramm's insertion of the Enron loophole in 2000 which first caused havoc in CA with "rolling black-outs" due to extremely high energy prices, and later spread to the rest of the nation.

The Enron Loophole was finally closed in a measure that was included in the Farm Bill that was passed in May 2008.

The House vote to override Bush's veto was: 316-108

John Mica of course voted against lower oil prices, reflected by Mica voting NO on closing the Enron Loophole.

Guess he was just protecting the interests of his brother David Mica who is Executive Director at the Florida Petroleum Council.